April 10, 2011


Salam & Hello`ada this website katanya tat you can interact wt it like human`by chatting with the robot soo ku cubatah website atu thn ada ehh`so i try la chatting2 with this clever teknologi ani`mcm chatting sama jilama bah asanya and also mcm chatting sama girlpren or boypren bah asanya haha`au mcm ada bana2 dgn tani chat atu bah`let say... i type "i miss you" thn the robot reply "i miss you too" than i text lagi "i miss you more" thn the robot reply "i miss you way more" haha what! (^%#@ haha baejap bah`and yang membari tungkal jua ada the robot reply "i miss you *hugs*" whattt??hugs? did it just said *hugs* haha taus ku tutup ehhh ketungkalan haha o_0" "Do you feel lonely? Do you feel wanted to have a girlpren or boypren? Do you feel bored?"  try this creepy robot haha enjoy ;p

takan sini to test chatting with the creepy robot haha
the site look like this