April 5, 2011


Salam & Hello`Art Exhibition Francophonie`di Bandar`BSB, dari 5 to 10April (Ahad)`this event aims to celebrate French language and culture and to create dialogue between cultures areas`so apa lagi singgah la meliat2 kaja2 artist tani (artist tanah air) beraksi`anddd jan lupa bawa payung ehe :x taim ujan ni :)

di Bandar tampat archa

"Selidap" artists UBD student

Syaifuddin "tanah man with nasi katok" aha

met my stepteacher `Hawt! ;p

"Namida(tears)" artist Faizal

"Gotong-royong" artists Badie, Hasrol & Nurliyana

 takan sini for more photos